Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Social Media's effect on society

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 Social media influence in the past few years has grown for the better or worse. social media does have some positives such as connecting people, but it comes with a lot more negatives. Some negatives may include sleep cycle of students, cyber bullying, identity theft, social anxiety.
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  One of the biggest causes of sleep deprivation is in my opinion the usage of social media. After making up my mind to go to sleep, I get on instagram or youtube or snapchat and waste precious time on social media that I could be using to sleep and give my eyes and mind a rest. This leads me to go sleep almost an hour later than I intended and then wake up the next morning drowsy and tired. On test days, this is detrimental for me as my mind is more focused on trying to stay awake than on the test. The use of social media at night is a common practice among many teens and young adults which negatively affects their performance at work. Recently, I’ve began to unwind before I go to sleep so I fall asleep faster and deeper. To do this, I limit my use of devices and social media before I go to sleep. This allows me to reflect on myself and make plans for the nex day. But most people don‘t think about this,so if social media weren’t a thing, people nowadays would be more proficient among many ther things.

Cyber bullying is another major problem that comes with social media and it is a major one. Not only does it cause sleep since people are hidden behind a screen, they don’t think about the consequeces of their actions. Sometimes, this leads to people harming themselves or killing themselves. Social media has taken previous forms of harassment to a whole new level, anyone can say anything with virtually zero reprucussion. And I‘ve seen forms of cyber bullying online; I can only imagine what the victims feel like. 
The use of social medias in school (where cyber bullying takes place most of the time) affects students’ grades negatively as it‘s a distraction for students. An example for this is when I don’t take my phone to school I tend to pay more attention and take better notes and complete many assignments and makes me feel proud of myself.
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   Also another danger that social media brings is identity theft through many websites some people is so easy to steal the identifications and stealing their information such as card numbers, usernames, addresses and etc. such lack of privacy include stalking, personal attacks, and misuse of information even if they think their accounts are “private”. In my opinion it’s a really useful helpful tool that can do many good things but also has its negatives if not used correctly or responsibly. But overall, if I were to choose social media or no social media, I’d choose no social media.
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- Messaging on social media sites can lead to face-to-face interactions when plans are made via the sites.
- Social media increases voter participation and facilitates political.
- Social media allows quick diffusion of public health and safety information during crisis events.
- Professional networking sites like LinkedIn greatly assist companies to find personnel and job seekers to find work.
- Social media provides academic research to wider audience,
- Social media can help disarm social stigmas like anxiety or depression.


- Student who are heavy social media user tend to have lower grades.
- Social media can exacerbate feelings of disconnect and and put children at higher risk for anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, eating disorders and even suicide.
- Social media can be a drain on time and use up hours that can’t get back.
- Social media use can cause personality and brain disorders, ADHD and self-centered personalities-- particularly in youth.
- Advertising practices of social media sites may create an invasion of privacy.
- Criminals can use social media to commit and promote crimes.
- Social media can endanger out military, journalists and activist.

